Body Slimming

Non-surgical fat reduction treatments

Our estheticians and technicians are state-licensed professionals who have been trained through apprenticeships and formal esthetics programs to perform treatments that promote the health and beauty of the skin and nails.

Non-surgical treatments

Can help with lymphatic drainage, ease aches and pains, and detoxify the body from a buildup of toxins


Careful Contour $120

This treatment provides noninvasive contour options. Choose one of the following services: Ultrasonic Cavitation Ultrasonic Cavitation is a …

Natural Touch $120

The treatment uses a wood therapy massage technique.Wood therapy has a firming effect on the skin, as it activates the production of elastin…

Trusted Touch $120

The treatment uses carboxytherapy to reduce fatty deposits, as well as the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles…

Lifted Touch $120

Vacuum-therapy stimulates muscles, break down cellulite and fatty deposits, eliminates toxins, improves lymphatic drainage and takes inches off….

Soft Touch $80

This treatment uses pressotherapy. Pressotherapy is a medical and beauty treatment that promotes lymphatic drainage. The pressotherapy suit…